
Showing posts from January, 2014

Sex: To Wait or Not to Wait?

Sex. The Church has been silent about the topic for too long. Unfortunately, it is a taboo topic for many Christ followers. Yet sex is powerful. It is valuable. It is a gift and worth celebrating within the context in which God designed it to take place, that is, in a covenant relationship with another human being for life. Our culture is certainly talking about sex. In fact, our culture uses sexuality to drive people's decisions every day. So why is the Church remaining silent, I wonder? It is time to talk about it, my friends. I believe that for every gift God has for us, Satan has a counterfeit. Sometimes it is difficult to discern the difference, especially when we are being barraged by lies. Thus, this is the importance of surrounding ourselves with people who will tell us the truth in love. It is so important to have those people in our lives who will love us right where we are at enough to not let us stay there. You know the kind of friends I'm talking about. It...

My Top 10 + 1 Books for Singles

The Bible - I absolutely love God’s Word! It is full of relationship wisdom and so much more! Reading through the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) and simply observing the life of Jesus is a great place to start in gaining wisdom for the relationships in your life. In addition to the Gospels, the books of Ruth, Proverbs, and Psalms have all been especially meaningful to me in my journey of singleness. All of Scripture is a love letter to us from our Heavenly Father so it is all extremely relevant. My word of encouragement is to simply ask God where to start reading and then live and breath whatever He leads you to read! One of my favorite online Bible resources is Blue Letter Bible as it has multiple versions of scripture (e.g. NIV, NLT, ESV, etc.) and it has powerful study tools if you want to do a more in depth study. The Supernatural Powerof Forgiveness by Kris Vallotton and Jason Vallotton – I believe knowing how to forgive and receiving forgiveness is key to havi...