Why Are You Single!?!

Why are you single? If you have been single for any length of time, you have probably been asked this many times. Sheer human curiosity wants to know why. Often times this question comes from well meaning people. Parents. Siblings. Uncles. Aunts. Cousins. Friends. Strangers. I know many have said it with the intention of meaning, "You're such a great catch, I can't understand why you're not married!" While it is a wonderful compliment for someone to think I am a great catch, it is the second part of that statement that often times makes me cringe. Let me explain.

Having someone say that they do not understand why I am not married feels like they are saying one of three things: either there is something innately wrong with me, or I am doing something wrong, or God is doing something wrong. I know that is not the intent behind that statement, nor is it the truth. But let me tell you, as a single person who desires to be married, statements like this can be fodder for the enemy to twist into something very discouraging and make me wonder what is wrong with me? Granted, this is when it is my turn to take my thoughts captive and focus on what God says about me instead. This is when declaring the truth becomes vital!

So here is the truth, my friends:
  • Being single is okay.
  • Having a desire to be married is okay.
  • Not having a desire to be married is okay. (The gift of celibacy does exist.)
  • Everyone is on a different path and that is okay.
  • There is no magic formula to follow on the journey towards marriage. 
  • There is nothing wrong with me because I am still single.
  • God is good, faithful, and true. 
  • Even though I have a desire to be married and am not yet, God has not forgotten me.
  • God knows what is best for each of us.
  • God loves to give us good gifts.
  • God is always on time with His promises and gifts.

Now that we have established the truth, lets get back to the question at hand. Why am I single? I am delighted to say that I am single because of God's abundant goodness, and because singleness is His absolute best for me right now! I truly believe that God has hidden me for my future husband, not from him. In due time (God's due time), all will be revealed. It could be days, weeks, months, or years from now before it is revealed. Or it could be revealed any moment - a suddenly of God so to speak. Until all is revealed, I am confident that singleness is His absolute best for me. Because God is just that good, and He is always on time!

To those of you who have asked why someone is single, I am guessing you are well meaning and you really want the best for your single friends. We singles appreciate that! To be honest though, it took me a long time to discover the why behind my singleness and it is pretty uncomfortable to be asked that question when filled with uncertainty. May I tell you what would be more helpful to us than asking why we are single? May I challenge you to instead champion us singles to live life to the full and to embrace the gift of the present? Will you encourage us and remind us that both singleness and marriage are gifts and it is good to enjoy them both in their due seasons? Instead of asking why we are single, perhaps you can ask us how we feel about being single. This question is a good temperature gage into how sensitive someone is feeling about his or her singleness. The answer to this is a great indicator of what kind of follow up conversation is needed. Maybe it is encouragement. Maybe it is a listening ear. Maybe it is something else entirely. But if you begin the conversation by understanding where the single person stands in that moment, you will be all the more prepared to champion a single person accordingly.

To all of you who are single, please know that being single is okay! It is more than okay! It is a gift! Marriage is a gift too! I am here to tell you it is well worth it to cherish this season and live it to the full while you can! And do so with glistening hope in expectancy for the next season to come because living in the here and not yet can be a beautiful thing if you let it be. Take this opportunity to pursue Jesus as your first love and receive His abundant love for you. After all, taking the time to build a foundation with Jesus now is powerful and is, in fact, building into your future marriage. Finally, always remember that you are awesome, and God is always working for your best and for His glory even when you cannot see it!


  1. Beautifully written, Jamie. Can't wait until you get the whole book published! So proud of you little cousin. :D You are a beautiful, Godly woman. <3


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